Anna’s Favorites
Quick Reference
Sharing Your Treasures
Often the first step in stewardship as it relates to giving is recognizing that it all (Time, Talent and Treasure) belongs to Him anyway. With that as the foundation, I would love to share some ideas about Giving Strategies…
Financial Planning for Retirement
Join Robert Pence and Anna Dujan as they discuss retirement plans and strategies. Together they will guide you through what you can do to become successful in your financial future.
The Business Cycle
Have no clue what a business cycle is or how its projected? No worries! This 2-minute video can help you gain perspective on what internal and external influences cause change and how economists predict fluctuations.
Events on Wall Street
The root causes of historical market drops are still being debated today, years after the matter. While many successful investors can predict changes in the market, many miss the signals. Learn what you can do to prepare for the unexpected.
Resources I just can’t stop sharing.
The content listed here are all articles or resources that I find myself often sharing. They are useful, informative, and smart. This list is ever-growing. I highly RECOMMEND taking a moment to check out each of these pieces.

Sharing Your Treasures
Often the first step in stewardship as it relates to giving is recognizing that it all (Time, Talent and Treasure) belongs to Him anyway. With that as the foundation, I would love to share some ideas about Giving Strategies…

Financial Planning for Retirement
Join Robert Pence and Anna Dujan as they discuss retirement plans and strategies. Together they will guide you through what you can do to become successful in your financial future.

The Business Cycle
Have no clue what a business cycle is or how its projected? No worries! This 2-minute video can help you gain perspective on what internal and external influences cause change and how economists predict fluctuations.

Events on Wall Street
The root causes of historical market drops are still being debated today, years after the matter. While many successful investors can predict changes in the market, many miss the signals. Learn what you can do to prepare for the unexpected.